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Brampton racist pamphlet targets Sikhs again

By admin 23 Jul 2020

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Showing the picture of a Sikh at the top, the pamphlet wants to "Stop the Madness" of "Massive Third World Invasion of Canada"

News East West BRAMPTON: In yet another case of racism in canada, Sikhs in Canada have become target of a fresh racist attack. A pamphlet calling for an end to "Massive Third World Invasion of Canada" with the crossed photo of a turbaned Sikh has appeared in Brampton on the outskirts of Toronto. Brampton has one of the largest concentrations of Sikhs in Canada. The pamphlet has been issued under the name of Immigration Watch Canada, but the organization has denied it. It was Immigration Watch Canada which had put up similar posters in the city some time ago. The new pamphlet distributed earlier this week says, "Canada has recorded 250,000-350,000 third world immigrants on an annual basis for the past 23 years’’ and wants immigration authorities to “Stop the Madness." Expressing her outrage over the new pamphlet, Brampton Mayor Susan Fennell called the racist flyers a "disgusting" act. She said, "They have no place in Brampton, and those who created them are not welcomed here. I am glad Peel Police are investigating this situation. Brampton is a world-class city. "We take pride in our diversity. Throughout Brampton you will find men and women of different cultures and creeds, raising families, building successful businesses and investing back in our community as entrepreneurs, volunteers, and informed and engaged residents. Racism has no place in Brampton Brampton United Against Racism, a body which aims to fight racism, organized a rally at Bramton City Hall on Friday to condemn the pamphlet. [caption id="attachment_84717" align="alignnone" width="640"]Brampton racist pamphlet Anti-racism rally in Brampton. Jagmeet Singh is fourth from right.[/caption] Speaking at the event, Indo-Canadian legislator Jagmeet Singh, who represents the New Democratic Party in the Ontario Provincial Parliament, said, "Racism has no place in our community." Singh said, "We must stand united and together call for an end to hatred and violence against all people, regardless of faith, creed, colour or ethnicity. As a community we must respond with courage and love." Apart from Indo-Canadians, the rally was also attended by Jim McDowell of the Labour Council, and community organizer Adaoma Patterson. READ ALSO: Racist flier in Brampton targets Sikhs

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