Sun, October 06, 2024

21 Indo-Canadian realtors lose registration for cheating in exam

By admin 17 Jan 2024

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The Canadian Bazaar

TORONTO: At least 21 Indo-Canadian realtors are among 34 whose registration has been terminated by for examination fraud.

The Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO), the industry regulator in Ontario, terminated their registration for “deliberate and organized misconduct” during the real estate exam conducted by Humber College.

Humber College, which runs the Real Estate Education Programme, found these people guilty of exam misconduct and reported the matter to the industry regulator RECO for action. 

In a statement, RECO said, “Humber College has notified us of learner misconduct in the Real Estate Education Program. We have voided the registrations of the learners whose program completion status was rescinded by Humber.”

RECO said it will continue to work with Humber to maintain the integrity of the real estate education programme and exams.

For its part, Humber College said its “Real Estate Education Program is aware of learner misconduct regarding completion of program examinations. We have been investigating the matter. Our investigation to date has identified deliberate and organized misconduct.”

The college said, “Learners who have been found responsible for misconduct to date have been notified and have been sanctioned and suspended by the program. Those who, on the balance of probabilities, have been found guilty of misconduct and who have completed the pre-registration phase, will have their Humber completion status rescinded as they no longer satisfy the requirements for the program. We have also notified the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) of these cases of learner misconduct where a learner’s program completion status is rescinded. RECO will apply disciplinary action to these individuals as well, as required.”

Here are the names of realtors released by RECO whose registration has been terminated from October 29, 2021, by :

1: Harjot Singh Bhangu

2: Rajbir Josan

3: Hardip Lota

4: Harmandhir Singh Kahlon

5: Baljinder Singh Sara

6: Surinderpal Singh 

7: Prabhiqbal Singh

8: Rajanbir Singh

9: Seema Rani

10: Jaswinder Kaur Bal

11: Amarjit Singh Rana

12: Randeep Singh Johal

13: Rajwinder Kaur Thind

14: Malkeet Marva Singh

15: Ravinder S Panag

16: Bali Singh Sidhu

17: Gagandeep Sandhu

18: Navkaran Singh Gill

19: Mandeep Singh Toor

20: Shubham Handa

21: Raghav Jain

22: Banuka Kanagalingam

23: Wasif Ali Awan 

24: Labib Ula

25: Amin Ullah

26: Syed Rizvi

27: Jahangir Parvez

28: Nadeem Masood Malik

29: Joann Patrianakos

30: Rashika David

31: Melissa Rose Fidani

32: Bobby Babak Doaei

33: Amber Jabeen

34: Ciona Hovsepian

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All Comments
  • N. Burke: Back in May I reached out to an agent on this list by the name of Joann Patrianakos to request her help in finding me some rental listings so she could book some viewings for me. I was out of the country and would be returning in little over two weeks. After collecting personal information from me, telling me everything looked great and sending me listings to choose from, suddenly I could not get a response back from Joann. When I did finally get hold of her the day I returned, I was told that of the 16 properties I selected she had not booked any showings even though she had told me that she would have several booked for that day. She made a bunch of excuses and lied saying that the properties were already all rented out- which I later found out was not true. Since then I have looked into Joann and found this article regarding real estate agents that had committed exam fraud. Imagine my surprise when her name appeared on the list of agents whose licenses had been obtained fraudulently. Now she is all over Craigslist wholesaling rentals because she no longer has a license. Stay away from her. God only knows what she is doing with your personal information once she has it. What she did to me was unfair and really put me in a financial bind at the time. I ended up having to pay for a hotel for several weeks while trying to find myself a place to live. I had to start my search all over again because she had not done any work during the two week period that I had given her before returning to Canada.
  • JJ: There's nothing racist about a truthful statement. 21 Indo-Canadian Realtors cheated---this should be a wake-up call for the Punjabi community (and I'm Punjabi-Sikh). If they can't finish their courses with integrity, why should anyone trust them with the biggest purchase of their life? Stop playing victim and wake up.
  • Harmeek singh: RECO should make all those give re-exam who passed their real estate exam from Orea. 95% of realtor will fail because they all cheated.
  • Sabrina: What a racist title! Why is ethnicity important in this situation? Im disgusted. Gore real journalist/ bloggers. #Racist
  • Sing: Indian go another country doing all bad things same as India.They don't want to work Sing need every Indian in ?? get $2000 doller CRB all life Very soon all ?? Indian come to Canada.
  • Ajaz Kakvi: Agree
  • Sam Rattan: Finally …. Steps are being taken to save professionalism in this industry ..
  • VR Gardiner: Please don't generalize all Indian are same, Indians have done very well in various sectors with their hard work. Every society have few such elements and criminals. Please grow-up from childish argument.
  • Monika: Read this original List..there are not from India but the other country too..we all should respect Law of Canada
  • Dr. M. Shakeel: Misconduct of any kind is not acceptable in any our society. those who are involved in any wrong doings regardless of their origin, their acts surely have impact on our society in general. we need to highlights these issues. We need to stop everyone to bring their habitual urge to practice bad in Canadian society. Laws need to be more strict to stop people from practicing such things to achieve licenses and any other form of certification. Great article!
  • Aliah: This article needs to get more publicity. Good job! Weed out the unethical ones they are too many dishonest ones in this industry.
  • Ritesh Kumar: I think we should report this and get the racist reporter the heat
  • Jas: I think your media news company needs to be investigated. You will find out why very soon! You certainly seem to have more information than Humber College seems to be letting out.
  • Akbar: I think the title of this article sounds racist. Why should you say that they are Indo-Canadian when they are here in Canada and are appearing exam like any other immigrant? As someone said don’t judge a whole country by few bad apples.
  • Ritesh Kumar: Most realtors make zero as they are part-time non-serious people...more than 80% as per official's not easy money...
  • Ritesh Kumar: I don't agree with you.Dont judge whole country with the misconduct of small sample size...such people exist everywhere.. Which country from Google ceo belong to? Microsoft CEO belong to? Adobe ceo and many other same country you are mentioning to!
  • Sangita: No doubt easy money. Everybody wants to jump in this business. Zero tax and all government benefits nice business. 80% are cheaters and 20 % honest.
  • Gary Singh: Good Job ! We need to respect the law First
  • Wachucha Mamoucha: This is a problem Canadian urban society is facing lately. Immigrants from South Asia, especially India have been bringing their practices which go against the Canadian ethics. Cheating in exams, falsifying information to get immigration, misrepresentation of facts to get free government money just to name a few.


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