Mon, March 10, 2025

10 things ancient India gave to the world

By admin 17 Jan 2024

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Web desk India is one of the world's oldest civilizations and ancient India gave many wonderful things to the world. Here are a few of them: sanskrit 1: Sanskrit language: Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages of the world which belong to the Indo-European family of languages. Sanskrit is the mother of most modern languages. ___________________________________________________________________ vedas 2: The Rig Veda: One of the world’s oldest books, the Rig veda was composed between 1700-1100 BC and contains hymns in praise of the gods which are chanted at various ceremonies by the Hindus. ____________________________________________________________________ Kamasutra 3: The Kamasutra: The world’s first most comprehensive sexual treatise which taught how to integrate sex in life as per four goals of Hindu way of life. ____________________________________________________________________ zero 4: Zero: Fifth-century Indian mathematician-astronomer Aryabhata created a place for zero in his place-value system. And it was seventh-century Indian mathematician Brahmagupta who gave zero its place in the numerical system and showed that subtracting a number from itself results in zero. ____________________________________________________________________ bikram yoga 5: Yoga: The wholesome system for body and mental well-being was born in ancient India. Today, yoga is a multi-billion industry in the West and now even the UN has adopted a world yoga day. ____________________________________________________________________ chess 6: Chess: Chess – also called Chaturanga – was invented during the Gupta empire in the sixth-century BC India as part of their military development. ____________________________________________________________________ Ayurveda 7: Ayurveda: This wholesome ancient Indian system of medicine linked physical well-being to mental thoughts. ____________________________________________________________________ Taxila 8: World's first university – Taxila University: Situated about 35 km north-west of the current Pakistani capital of Islamabad, Taxila was the site of the world’s first university in about 370 BC where the great Chanakya studied and later taught. _____________________________________________________________________ kohinoor 9: Diamonds: Indians were the first to discover diamonds and use them for decoration purposes. In fact, till the end of the 19th century India was the only source of diamonds. The Koh-i-Noor, once the world’s largest diamond at 793 carats and currently only 106 carats and part of the British Crown, was mined in India. ____________________________________________________________________ Buddha 10: Buddhism and Tantra: Apart Hinduism, two other major religions Buddhism and Jainism were born in India. Later, in the 15th century Sikhism was also born in India. Buddhism is one of the fastest growing religions in the West today. Tantra was born out of the esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. (Updated: This article first appeared on March 12, 2015) READ ALSO: Where is ancient India's Saraswati river?

All Comments
  • Peter: People from middle east and european countries came to India and reproduced those things in their own countries by their own name like pythagoras theorem and trignometry was copied from India too.U please check Your own data first.
  • Peter: sanskrit is the mother of all languages and it originated in INDIA
  • Letizia Tiley: Mayans and Babylonians also included the concept of zero in their numeric system and invented it independently from each other. . It is thought that the Indian system was influenced by the Babylonians and definitely they did not were the inventors of zero. Please check your data.
  • Lachman Balani: even though this does not seem to be a credible source nonetheless- it seems sanskrit was first written in modern day syria- could syria have been a part of india then?
  • Anil Oraw: Great piece of collection. Love rememorising the same


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