Thu, September 19, 2024

Pakistani hottie Veena Malik staging comeback

By admin 17 Jan 2024

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BOLLYWOOD: Former Pakistani Bollywood actress Veena Malik is making a comeback in the entertainment industry with a new series for Urduflix in Pakistan.

Urduflix is the Netflix of Pakistan which has been producing various series with big names in Pakistan. 

"I was waiting for a very good script and said no to many projects such as some reality shows that were not up to the mark and quite a few drama scripts," Dawn newspaper quoted her as saying.

”We've been talking about the collaboration for a while but it's happening now for Urduflix," she said, adding that she has a couple of more projects in the pipeline.

Veena said her proposed series is a sociopolitical satire, where "along with politics, social issues will be discussed in a lighter vein".

READ NEXT: Veena Malik gets divorce, husband begs her to take him back

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